About One

Desideratum 4 – I wish to inspire the essence of people

Inspiration is something that comes from there, to help us with the challenges here. These two words probably don't make much sense to you, just like that, in the series of desires. Let's see what they mean. Understand by there something metaphysical and subjective while here is something more physical and objective. Here is transitory, there is transcendent. Given this, how can we absorb and experience these virtuous conceptions to access and inspire people's essence?

If we only focus on discourse or abstract conversation, we will not be successful in such a fundamental desire. You need to land, planting your feet here, to make the movement with concrete gestures.

The philosopher Emerson said “what you do speaks so loudly that I can’t hear what you say”. Thus, he shows us the importance of legitimate and tangible gestures as a source of inspiration. Speech and words in the air are not capable of inspiring. Doubt? Remember the many useless sermons and classes we have already experienced, without leading us to take a single step towards incorporating them into our learning and life habits.

Inspiring people's essence is touching them in what is most true, sublime and noble. To do this, we need to legitimately use what we have that is most true, sublime and noble. In fact, no one teaches anyone, we only learn by being inspired. When our essence connects with the essence of others, inspiration happens.

When we experience our essence, we are what is most simple and sincere, most authentic and natural, most clear and luminous. We just have to be, without making any effort. The essence of other people will know how to correspond to our movement, in a tacit agreement, as if we had all known each other for a long time. There is love and complicity between essences.

It is the intertwining, here, of what was previously already intertwined there. Perfect and essential union.

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Texts: Roberto Tranjan

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