About One

Desideratum 11 – I wish to preserve the planet

Oikos is a word of Greek origin that can be translated as “house”. Planet Earth is oikos, our home, the Great House. Those who live there with an extractive spirit cannot see the other inhabitants as fellow citizens. Considers everything as an object of use or enjoyment, including your own home. He believes that building wealth can only be done by devastating nature.

Oikos, more than just a residence, means shared housing, requiring two other words of Greek origin: ethics and aesthetics. The first refers to the values of the house. The second, the way it is arranged, its arrangement. In the absence of these two fundamental elements, order and beauty do not exist. It therefore ceases to be the space inhabited by humans, who succumb to that arid landfill.

The combination of oikos with nomos (custom, law) results in another important word: economy, that is, the set of rules for managing the house. Its residents, through the economy and according to their needs, use resources to produce and distribute goods.

These resources meet these needs, but are not enough to cover greed. Therefore, the house must rely on ethics (values) and aesthetics (arrangement) so that it can be harmoniously enjoyed by its residents, present and future.

Planet Earth is the Great House, capable of sheltering everyone. It therefore deserves the care it now needs, under constant threat of devastation. He must be treated as a subject and fundamental part of the human family. Contribute, with love, to such a virtuous mission.

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Texts: Roberto Tranjan

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