About One

Desideratum 7 – I wish that the collective good outweighs the individual

There are those who want to live in the building, without paying the condominium fee. There are those who want to live in society, but refuse to act politically, giving up learning citizenship. There are those who take advantage of the green traffic lights, although they refuse to obey the red ones. There are those who live their rights, but do not deign to fulfill their duties. There are those who want to live on the planet, always in the role of creditor, never debtor.

“More for me” seems to be the mantra of many living people, as if everything and everyone were at their disposal. They want use and enjoyment, without the valuable consideration of gift and delivery. Like hungry ghosts, they place the individual above the collective, which they shrug their shoulders at.

The point is that the world is a construct of collectivity: a group of individuals with common interests. That is why, in theory, laws exist: to ensure that collective interests do not submit to individual ones.

The reversed direction is common in historical tyrannies and dictatorships. In unconsolidated democracies, the interests of a few also prevail over those of the majority. It is the nefarious primacy of injustice.

When the law is not fair or becomes a dead letter, fear takes over. Intimidated, people separate. It is the empire of every man for himself, in the infamous fight for survival. Separated, human beings cease to be subjects, becoming objects of maneuver. The subject, without losing individuality, is always part of the collective. Keep this question in mind. For the common good.

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Texts: Roberto Tranjan

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