About One

Desideratum 13 – I wish to live fully

The old economy promoted fragmentation. It displaced the company from the business, the profession from the vocation, the job from the job, the professional life from the personal life. People feel pulled from one side to another, not knowing exactly what role they play. The same doubt extends to relationships, in the clash between the desire to please and the fear of displeasing.

When the poles meet, they do not recognize each other. It's as if the body goes in one direction, while the mind and soul go in another. The feeling is of disintegration. The lack of inner tranquility contributes, among other factors, to stress.

Living fully requires involving yourself completely. This is when thoughts, feelings and behaviors are aligned with values. Thus, appearance corresponds to essence and existence, to being. In fullness, the body, mind and soul form a balanced, coherent and synergistic triad.

It is not easy to experience such unity. We all have facets that we don't like, that we would like to eliminate or even hide, instead of embracing. They represent, however, the enemy that needs to be understood and loved.

This statement seems strange, even a paradox. It is essential, however. Understanding and loving the enemies that live within us or the poles that displease us is a condition for us to also understand and love the same enemies that we reject by projecting them onto others.

Generously welcome the fullness, which allows us to be aware of our various facets. It's something that requires courage to deal wisely and amicably with what we don't like and accept what represents us best. It is a fundamental practice to experience the New Economy.

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Texts: Roberto Tranjan

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