If you want something in return, when you think you are in love, reevaluate. It's not love, but a need to fill some need. Love implies availability, gratuitousness and delivery.
The same principle applies to work as an act of love. It must be lived in the same way, with devotion, not obligation and without wanting anything in return. He is the reward itself.
There are those who think that you need to do only what you like to experience work as an act of love. It is a simple mistake, as limiting oneself to the most pleasant ones would be denying the importance of the arduous and heroic ones, such as those dedicated to treating illnesses, at risk of contamination, or facing the harm of wars.
To experience work as an act of love, you have to enjoy what has to be done. Thus, carried out with love, all types of work are worthy and rewarding.
Activist Helen Keller said that everything we deeply love becomes part of us. She already knew that love is not a feeling, but something we transform into, as it makes up our lives.
For Gibran Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese poet and philosopher, “work is love made visible”. Because if, on the one hand, love is something we transform ourselves into, on the other, work is the expression of that same love.
When we are love, that love transfers to everything we do. It remains incorporated into the product or service, like a wrapper of good energy. Love attracts and captivates. Those who enjoy it want to replicate the experience and offer a fair reward, with gratitude.
Love is and will always be the best strategy.
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Texts: Roberto Tranjan