Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.

Sincere desire to
make a difference

Vídeo Sobre Nós
About One

In 2013, AFG was born not just as a company, but as an audacious idea that challenged borders and transcended limits. Today, we are more than a brand; We are a community rooted in solid values: Gratitude, Commitment, Responsibility and Greatness of Thought.

Macaé, the "Oil Capital", is our home and inspiration. Anchored in this diverse scenario, we are committed to offering more than services: we seek to provide authentic and transformative experiences to each client and employee.

What sets us apart is not just the business we conduct, but the human relationships we build daily. In a world driven by figures, AFG shines with the human spark, imbued with empathy, respect and the sincere desire to change lives.

Ethics is our compass. We thrive through genuine relationships, where honesty, integrity and respect are non-negotiable. As we grow, we maintain our roots, creating a welcoming work environment that nurtures the potential of each individual.

On our journey, excellent service is not an empty slogan, but a promise diligently fulfilled. We understand that each client is unique, each employee is vital. Meeting deadlines is not just efficiency, but respect for time and commitment made.

The beating heart of AFG beats in tune with humanized care. Behind every transaction, there are stories, dreams and aspirations. We are always ready to listen, understand and create solutions that make a difference in each individual's life.

About One
About One

"Ob Portus" - "Timely Wind" - is not just a metaphor; It is our call to create opportunities, generate change and bring winds of transformation. We believe that by creating good winds, we are fulfilling our purpose of changing lives.

Today, AFG is a beacon of inspiration, reminding us that the winds of change can be guided by the strength of purpose, ethics in relationships and the genuine desire to transform lives. Our journey continues, driven by the opportune winds towards a horizon of unexplored possibilities, where agility and flexibility meet with great results.


What our clients say

Our Clients